Warcrow Adventures | Everything You NEED to Know!

| Your Opinion

– Don’t Miss the Kickstarter on Oct 18th – https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/corvusbelli/warcrow-adventures/ – Join Patreon to support what we do – https://www.patreon.com/Quackalope – Join our Discord to play games – https://discord.gg/QM3Q3rb – TimeStamps – 00:00:00 Hello, hello 00:01:16 Overview 00:03:34 What you see on the table 00:06:40 Some of the characters 00:10:11 How the game plays 00:13:30 Combat 00:15:40 How the app integrates 00:16:40 Final thoughts; highs and lows – Check out the game on BGG for more information – https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/369992/warcrow-adventures/files – Quackalope’s PO Box – 5120 Mayfield Rd. PMB 305 Lyndhurst, OH 44124 For media inquiries – [email protected] This video is a sponsored video This game was provided by the Publisher – Our Approach to monetized Content Video – https://youtu.be/hg3qXYDyxn8 Warcrow Adventures is a fantasy co-op dungeon crawler for 4 players. Throughout the match, you’ll become the protagonist of a unique tactical and narrative story. Join your teammates and venture into Hawthorn Point to try and overcome its challenges. This game combines tactical, action playing with a deep focus on the narrative. Through the game, you will interact with other characters, learn their stories, talk to NPCs… and also, explore different scenarios, fight a range of different enemies, and thrive in the development of the story. —description from the publisher – Secret Hidden Channel – https://www.youtube.com/c/QuackCo?sub_confirmation=1 #Boardgames #Quackalope #warcrow