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Paladins of the West Kingdom – How to Play

(Rules School) with the Game Boy Geek

Category: Age: 12+ 90 - 120 Min 1 - 4 Players 2019

Skip the rule book and learn how to play Paladins of the West Kingdom.

1:11 – One MInute Overview
2:11 – Setup
7:11 – Object of the Game
7:48 – Flow of the Game
7:59 – Reveal King’s Order / Favor Cards
8:30 – Reveal Tavern Cards
8:41 – Draw 3 Paladin Cards
9:09 – Reveal Paladin & Collect Workers
9:23 – Collect Workers From Tavern
9:37 – Taking a Criminal
9:54 – Taking From the Tax Supply
10:19 – Taking Actions
10:50 – Develop
12:18 – Hunt & Trade
12:49 – Recruit
14:24 – Taking a Debt
14:49 – Pray
15:23 – Conspire
15:54 – Commission
18:18 – Fortify
19:25 – Garrison
20:08 – Absolve
21:12 – Attack
22:51 – Convert
23:49 – Inquisition
24:59 – End of Action Phase
25:09 – Cleanup Phase
26:09 – End of the Game
26:17 – Final Scoring

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