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Terraforming Mars with Turmoil and Prelude expansions Playthrough

Terraforming Mars with Turmoil and Prelude expansions Playthrough

Category: Age: 12+ 120 Min 1 - 5 Players 2016
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JonGetsGames Tutorial & Playthrough: Terraforming Mars with Turmoil and Prelude expansions

Tutorial start – 1:14
Game overview – 3:01
Action phase – 6:12
Spending titanium & steel – 7:40
Playing event cards – 13:57
Placing ocean tiles onto Mars – 15:07
Adding a new city onto Mars – 20:56
Placing a greenery tiles onto Mars – 27:42
Blue card action activation – 29:37
Standard projects explanation – 33:32
Milestone & award action explanations – 35:29
Spend plants to place greenery tiles action – 38:44
Spend heat to increase the temperature of Mars action – 39:22
Production phase explanation – 43:02
Start of a new generation & turn order change – 54:12
Research phase explanation – 54:22
Game end condition & final scoring explanation – 55:07
Corporate era variant explanation – 57:50
Draft variant explanation – 59:02

Prelude card & setup explanation – 1:44
Wild (?) tag explanation – 47:13

Ruling party explanation – 10:32
Place delegate actions – 22:39
Dominant party explanation – 25:07
Solar phase explanation – 44:48
Global event step of the solar phase – 50:26
Influence explanation – 51:02
New government step of the solar phase – 46:00
Changing times step of the solar phase – 49:08


Extended Playthrough

Terraforming Mars with Turmoil and Prelude expansions Extended Playthrough


Final Scoring – 1:45:38
Wrap up – 1:50:03

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