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Top 10 Hottest Board Games This Month, And Why! | momenTEN


Counting down the Top 10 tabletop, card, and board games that are gaining popularity this month, to help you find the best new games that people are playing, backing on Kickstarter, and talking about! ⭐—– THIS EPISODE BROUGHT TO YOU BY: —– ⭐ Minecraft – Portal Dash https://watchitplayed.tv/mincraft-portal-dash/v=4RaL6qQnXMI Sprint through rugged landscapes, full of magma and lava and unreturned library books, and overcome dangerous monsters! -AND- Fateforge – Chronicles of Kaan https://watchitplayed.tv/fateforge/v=4RaL6qQnXMI A mythical co-op action adventure campaign full of surprising twists, a sprawling story and intense fights in sessions of under 60 minutes! 💬—– QUESTIONS? COMMENTS? —– 💬 Please don’t hesitate to comment below, but abide by our Code of Conduct: https://watchitplayed.tv/coc/v=4RaL6qQnXMI 👍—– SUPPORT WATCH IT PLAYED —– 👍 Subscribe! https://watchitplayed.tv/subscribe/v=4RaL6qQnXMI Join the Watch It Played Patreon Team! https://watchitplayed.tv/patreon/v=4RaL6qQnXMI 👕—– GET STUFF! —– 👕 Find exclusive board game promos at: https://watchitplayed.tv/promo-store/v=4RaL6qQnXMI Shop our TeeSpring Store (shirts, mugs and more): https://watchitplayed.tv/teespring/v=4RaL6qQnXMI Get the Watch It Played Game Shelf poster and track your game plays: https://watchitplayed.tv/game-shelf-poster/v=4RaL6qQnXMI Get a BoardGameGeek “Watch It Played” Microbadge: https://watchitplayed.tv/bgg-microbadge/v=4RaL6qQnXMI The BoardGameGeek list of ALL our videos: https://watchitplayed.tv/wip-geeklist/v=4RaL6qQnXMI 🎬—– EVEN MORE CONTENT… —– 🎬 Check out Rodney’s personal vlog here: @Rodney Smith Email: watchitplayed(at)live(dot)com Twitter – Watch It Played: @watchitplayed Twitter – Rodney: @RodneyJSmith Twitter – Chaz: @DiceParadise Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/watchitplayed Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WatchItPlayed Instagram: @watchitplayed We truly appreciate your views, likes, feedback, subscriptions, and comments! #HotBoardGames #FindBoardGames #TopGamesOctober

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