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Forsaken Review – The Good, The Bad & The Ugly….With The Designer

| Your Opinion

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Kickstarter Link – https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/gametrayz/forsaken-5?fbclid=IwAR0QBaqskGx9wO6MsAGxBqjoxihfvPpPmEZGNXWzpfal6d–06ZTSW7CcKU

Far from the galactic core, Thyrria and its moons have been strip-mined and left for dead. Abandoned workers huddle together in makeshift settlements, struggling to survive in a world of scarce resources and lawlessness. Native nomads and bizarre creatures resurface to take back the wasteland. Factions and adventurers rise and fall, but only the greatest will be remembered in legend.

Forsaken is an immersive sandbox adventure game where you take the role of a character looking to leave their mark in the harshest of worlds. Every character has a personalized branching story, with every path uniquely-tailored to the choices you make along the way. How will you change the face of Thyrria, and how will Thyrria change you?

Your goal is to secure your place as a legend in any way you can, but there are many ways to become a legend. Navigating through personal and public story objectives, doing odd jobs, hunting down bounties, fulfilling prophecies, and even gambling at the Cantina can all advance your legend tracker. Finding the right opportunities to upgrade your gear, weapons, and skills can help you along the way. Once a player reaches the end of the track, the player with the greatest legend wins.

At the end of your turn, you may trigger an event or encounter, which allows you an opportunity to permanently change the game and the emergent story based on the decisions you make. These changes can determine your character’s motives and goals personally, or guide the shared stories to impact the world itself. The more you change about the world, the bigger the mark you make and the greater your legend will be.

BGG Link – https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/346800/forsaken

0:00:00 – Overview
0:03:35 – Story & Theme
0:12:25 – Mechanics
0:26:15 – Final Thoughts

5.0 – My absolutely favorite games. You can pry them out of my cold dead hands.
4.5 – Love this game! At the same time missing something that would make it a 5. Could be hard to table, lacking variability, a little light, etc.
4.0 – Really great game, almost always keeping, although has meaningful complaints as to what takes away from the experience.
3.5 – Really enjoyed, don’t love it, may lose out to better games but the idea of never playing again is a bit sad.
3.0 – A good game, would play and suggest with the right people, if I never played it again wouldn’t lose any sleep.
2.5 – A game I’d play again , but will never suggest it myself
2.0 – A game I don’t want to play again
1.5 – A game I can’t find any reason to recommend
1.0 – A game that is just bad.

My Review Board – https://bit.ly/2Y9PFJF
Explanation of Review Board – https://youtu.be/jA-Zb2StGjk

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