La Granja: Deluxe Master Set Review – A Game Worth Revisiting
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La Granja: Deluxe Master Set is an upgraded and expanded version of the 2014 game La Granja in which 1–4 players manage small farms by the Alpich pond near the village of Esporles on Majorca.
The players must carefully consider the decisions of which dice to draft, which cards to play, when and where to deliver goods to various markets, and how best to utilize the flexible powers afforded by several “anytime” actions.
The multi-use cards offer four different options for players to choose from. Decide whether you want to use the card as an extension to your fields (increasing your ability to grow olives, grain, or grapes), as an extension to your farm (increasing the number of pigs you can house, the deliveries you can make, or the coins you will earn each round), as a market barrow (providing a personal contract you can fulfill for valuable rewards), or as a hired helper (each providing a unique and powerful ability to improve your actions).
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0:00:00 – Introduction
0:01:05 – Overview
0:02:19- What We Liked
0:08:22 – What We Didn’t Like
0:15:15 – Final Thoughts
5.0 – My absolutely favorite games. You can pry them out of my cold dead hands.
4.5 – Love this game! At the same time missing something that would make it a 5. Could be hard to table, lacking variability, a little light, etc.
4.0 – Really great game, almost always keeping, although has meaningful complaints as to what takes away from the experience.
3.5 – Really enjoyed, don’t love it, may lose out to better games but the idea of never playing again is a bit sad.
3.0 – A good game, would play and suggest with the right people, if I never played it again wouldn’t lose any sleep.
2.5 – A game I’d play again , but will never suggest it myself
2.0 – A game I don’t want to play again
1.5 – A game I can’t find any reason to recommend
1.0 – A game that is just bad.
My Review Board –
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