Q&A Vlog July ’21 – 30 questions answered!
14 July, 2021 |
Your Opinion
Category: Review
Here is an edited version of the live Q&A which was recorded in July 2021. Please turn on Klingon subtitles so that you will see any corrections or notes I add to the video. Remember you can listen to an audio version of this vlog at the JonGetsGames Podcast or by clicking https://soundcloud.com/user-765924245/qa-july21 Get a JGG t-shirt: jongetsgames.com/merch Directly support the channel: jongetsgames.com/support Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/JonGetsGames Subscribe to my GeekList: http://bit.ly/JGG-Geeklist Like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/JonGetsGamesritp