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Euthia: Torment of Resurrection by DIEA Games – Interview

Category: Age: 14+ 60 - 480 Min 1 - 4 Players 2020


Interview with the Designers of Euthia: Torment of Resurrection

1. As you are now entering the board game publishing realm, can you share a few thoughts about your goals and vision?

Yes, it’s quite new for us but we have a lot of plans. As we love bigger and more strategic games, we would love to bring these to life. Our main goal is to create games we love to play and to develop them with no hurry to publish it. We just want our games to be as close as perfect as we can manage. 🙂


2. Euthia: Torment of Resurrection did very well on Kickstarter, even though it was your first campaign! Could you please share with us the reasons for this huge success?

It was our first WORLDWIDE crowdfunding campaign, but not the first crowdfunding campaign we did. We successfully funded Euthia in Czechia but it was nothing compared to Kickstarter. It’s just from my perspective but I think the main reason we succeeded was because of our communication with the community, our marketing (banners, emails, Facebook ads, etc.), and because Euthia brings the old-school feel of PC RPGs back to fans of this genre.


3. What part of this campaign did you enjoy the most and which was the most frustrating?

We enjoyed working on the game itself, preparation for a Kickstarter was very hard and new for us. Most frustrating was the creation of our main video for the Kickstarter. We had everything planned but the creators messed it up a lot, did not finish it in time and it was horrible at first. We had to find another animator to make it better in the last weeks. But eventually, we made it in time.


4. What kind of gaming experience do you want to create with this game?

Euthia is an “open-world RPG” and we want to create a feeling you can go anywhere you want, complete any quest you want, and enjoy leveling your hero, buying him new gear and during other players’ turns, enjoying controlling the monster and trying to kill them. Fighting is very exciting and trading will let you enjoy the market. Here, you can do most of the main actions you could do in PC RPGs, for example upgrading your equipment with gems.


5. What was the greatest challenge that you faced during the designing and development of the game?

The map. Creating a randomly generated map that actually works, it’s a great challenge. We were working on it for more than a year. And the second thing is the characters and their skills and spells. Every character is like playing a different game because you can do a lot of different things and actions – Keleia can steal stuff from traders, or Áel can heal herself as she walks, or Maeldur can teleport himself all around the land – and you have to balance everything to work every time players will be playing it.


6. What is the mechanic-element of the game that you are most excited about?

I love controlling the monster when other players are fighting because you create monster A.I. which can learn from mistakes. Every fight is a challenge even when you know the game very well.


7. What kind of gamers would most likely enjoy Euthia?

All fans of old-school fantasy PC games and RPGs, but it is for most players who love longer games with nearly endless possibilities. It’s for everybody who loves to level up their hero.


8. Why did you choose to bring Euthia on Tabletopia?

To allow all fans to try the game before they will buy it. It was a challenge to implement this large game there but with some help from the Tabletopia team, we managed it.


9. What else can we expect from DIEA Games in the future?

We are now finishing up the preparation for manufacturing Euthia but with another team, I’m working on the next game we will bring on Kickstarter next year. If you like games about exploring space, stay in touch, it will be something to look forward to.

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