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Tail Feathers & Campaign – How To Play

Category: Age: 9+ 60 - 90 Min 2 - 4 Players 2015

Watch It Played is a series designed to teach and play games. In this episode we’re going to learn how to play Tail Feathers and learn the rules for Building Scenarios, Team Play, Custom Army Building and Campaign Play.

Tail Feathers Campaign

Tail Feathers - Campaign Rules and More

INDEX – Tail Feathers
00:00 – Introduction
00:50 – The Setup
05:17 – Game Play Overview
05:34 – The Mission Phase
06:23 – The Tilt Phase
06:35 – Tilt Positions
07:07 – Leaving The Perched Position
07:24 – The Activation Phase
08:08 – Activating Units
08:38 – Activating a Multi-figure Unit
09:57 – Movement
11:02 – Piloting Checks
11:25 – Building a Path Of Flight
13:19 – Leaving The Play Area
14:04 – Crossing Game Play Elements During Flight
15:31 – Death Spirals
17:32 – Transporting Figures
18:35 – Scurrying
18:54 – Ranged Attacks
20:59 – Wounds / Being Defeated
21:28 – Melee Attacks
22:20 – Swoop Attacks
23:28 – Group Melee/Ranged Attacks
23:51 – Rolling Cheese
24:14 – Tail Feathers
25:02 – Revive
25:22 – The Final Phase
25:35 – Resolving Missions
28:06 – Destroying A Nest
28:32 – Action Cards
29:36 – Leaf Movement
31:58 – Structures
32:27 – Conditions
34:10 – Foraging
34:25 – Shifting
34:43 – Conclusion

INDEX – Tail Feathers Campaign
00:00 – Introduction
00:37 – Custom Army Building
02:00 – Building A Custom Scenario
02:40 – Team Play
03:17 – Campaign Play
05:01 – Conclusion

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