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Core Space Now on Kickstarter!

Category: 1 - 6 Players 2018

One game that caught my eye and put me in a huge dilemma is Core Space. Its fully funded on Kickstarter and I believe that all the sci-fi fans out there should definitely have a look at this one!

Its a 1-6 player, Sci-fi Miniature Skirmish Game with modular 3D terrain. I really like this whole concept and these terrains look very nice!

So my dilemma at first was, should I back the game or not? If I do so, should I go for just the core set or decide to spend quite a lot of money to get some more stuff including more awesome terrains?

In addition the gameplay seems pretty interesting with different modes which include single missions, campaigns, co-operative which can result to betrayal mode at any time during the game!

I really haven’t made up my mind yet but I have a few days left to decide!



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