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Targi Playthrough

Targi Tutorial & Extended Playthrough

Category: Age: 12+ 60 Min 2 Players 2012

JonGetsGames Tutorial & Playthrough: Targi

Teaching Timestamps:
Tutorial start – 1:39
Targi placement restrictions – 2:21
Tribe marker placement – 3:54
Resource actions – 5:56
Tribe card action – 7:29
Tableau row bonus points – 8:52
Caravan border action – 11:20
Goods & coin limits – 12:09
End of round procedure – 12:39
Trader border action – 13:16
Fata Morgana border action – 13:41
Silversmith border action – 14:04
Tribal Expansion border action – 14:24
Noble border action – 14:57
Raid cards explanation – 15:21
Game end conditions – 16:00
Final scoring explanation – 16:23


Extended Playthrough

Targi Extended Playthrough - JonGetsGames


Final Scoring – 56:02
Wrap up – 57:52

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