The Game Playthrough
All Videos: Part 1&2 & First Impressions (& static cam)
30 April, 2020 |
Designers: Steffen Benndorf
Artists: Jason D. Kingsley, Kwanchai Moriya, Oliver Freudenreich, Sandra Freudenreich
Publishers: Arclight, dV Giochi, Game Factory, Nürnberger-Spielkarten-Verlag, Pandasaurus Games
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slickerdrips Review!
The first part of a full 2 player game of The Game, where I’m joined by Rachel!
Be sure to turn Klingon subtitles on to catch any mistakes.
First Impressions
The Game | First Impressions | slickerdrips
Other Stories!
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Lost Ruins of Arnak – Story of a game | s02 eE02
Okko Chronicles: Cycle of Earth – Ramparts of the Empire – Story of a game | s03 e02