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Top 10 Games We’d Buy RIGHT NOW! | The R&R Show #45


Help keep Rahdo running @ http://patreon.com/rahdo !!! And now…
A video where I try to remember everything Ruel said because of a catastrophic failure on my part to archive the live stream of the R&R show #45!

Ruel’s Youtube channel:

0:00 Intro & explanation
3:48 Contest stuff
5:27 10. Floriferous
7:12 9. Dungeons, Dice & Danger
9:11 8. So, You’ve Been Eaten
12:06 7. Carnegie
14:29 6. Canopy
15:48 5. Bitoku
17:19 4. Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
19:04 3. Aeon’s End: Legacy of Gravehold
22:06 2. Star Wars: Outer Rim – Unfinished Business
23:21 1. Now or Never
26:33 Outro

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