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Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game – How To Play

Category: Age: 13+ 60 - 120 Min 2 - 5 Players 2014

Watch It Played is a series designed to teach and play games. In this episode we’re going to learn how to play Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game.

00:00 – Introduction
00:51 – The Setup
04:57 – Gameplay Overview
05:29 – A Game Round
05:40 – Player Turns Phase: Reveal Crisis
05:56 – Player Turns Phase: Roll Action Dice
06:22 – Player Turns Phase: Player Turns
06:28 – Using Crossroad Cards
07:45 – Actions: Playing Cards
08:30 – Actions: Add Cards To The Crisis
09:04 – Actions: Vote To Exile
09:33 – Locations And Item Types
09:45 – Actions: Move A Surivor
09:59 – Results Of The Exposure Die
10:30 – Survivor Deaths
11:08 – Bites Spreading
12:23 – Actions: Request
12:41 – Actions: Hand Off
13:00 – Actions: Spend Food Tokens
13:26 – Using Action Dice
13:55 – Actions: Clean Waste
14:12 – Actions: Barricade
14:36 – Actions: Attract (2 Zombies)
14:46 – Actions: Special Ability
15:14 – Actions: Searching
16:19 – Actions: Attacking
17:40 – Helpless Survivors
18:43 – Colony Phase: Pay Food
19:46 – Colony Phase: Check Waste
19:57 – Colony Phase: Resolve Crisis
21:07 – Colony Phase: Add Zombies
21:27 – Resolving Noise Tokens
21:42 – Overrun
22:36 – Colony Phase: Check Main Objective
22:42 – Colony Phase: Move Round Tracker
22:46 – Colony Phase: Pass First Player Token
22:50 – How The Game Ends
22:57 – Determining The Winners
23:33 – Adding New Survivors
23:55 – Card Effects
24:14 – Being Exiled
26:01 – Gameplay Variants (Co-Op, 2 Player, etc)
26:35 – Conclusion

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