CO2: Second Chance Playthrough
All Videos: Part 1&2 & First Impressions (& static cam)
15 January, 2020 |
Designers: Vital Lacerda
Artists: Giacomo Tappainer, Ian O'Toole, Paula Simonetti
Publishers: Ediciones MasQueOca,, Meeple BR Jogos, Stronghold Games
slickerdrips Review!
A full 2 player game of CO2: Second Chance!
Be sure to turn Klingon subtitles on to catch any mistakes.
Part 2
CO2: Second Chance | Solo Playthrough [Part 2] | slickerdrips
Playthrough (Static Camera)
CO2: Second Chance | Solo Playthrough (Static Camera) | slickerdrips
Playthrough (Static Camera) [Part 2]
CO2: Second Chance | Solo Playthrough (Static Camera) [Part 2] | slickerdrips
First Impressions
CO2: Second Chance | First Impressions | slickerdrips
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