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Village Pillage Preview – Now on Kickstarter!

Category: Age: 8+ 20 Min 2 - 5 Players 2019
Designers: , Artists: Publishers:

Kevin takes a look at a prototype of Village Pillage which Just Launched on Kickstarter!

After a very successful campaign with NinjitsuJellybean Games launches Village Pillage ​card game today on Kickstarter! Its a quick, chaotic card game for 2-5 players, designed by Peter C. Hayward and Tom Lang and illustrated by former Disney artist Tania Walker.

This is the press release from Jellybean Games:

“This game represents everything we’re trying to do at Jellybean Games,” said Peter C. Hayward, co-designer of Village Pillage and founder of the company. “It’s simple enough that kids can play it against each other, while being engaging enough for adults to play on their own. And it offers a great experience; children can play against parents without either side getting bored or frustrated.”

The game has stunning character design by previously Disney artist Tania Walker (Dracula’s Feast, The Lady and the Tiger).

“Tania relished the chance to create a wide array of interesting characters. As the game goes on, you expand your village; all manner of people can join your town. Bards, nuns, miners, kids – she’s done a great job of representing the characters through her incredible art. During the campaign, we’re going to be running a contest to see which pieces most connected with people, to determine the Ultimate Village Pillager.”

As with all Jellybean Games, the rules are straightforward and easy to learn. Each turn, players simultaneously choose a card to play against their neighbors. The cards are revealed at once and resolved; Farmers gain turnips, Walls protect them, Raiders steal them, and Merchants trade them in for powerful new cards or expensive relics. Then, everyone picks up their cards and a new round begins. The first player to reach three relics is the winner!

The fun comes from the unique mechanic of playing a next-level version of rock paper scissors (raiders steal from farmers, walls block raiders, farmers profit off walls) on two sides at once, and outsmarting your opponents. You know that they’re thinking of stealing your turnips…but they know that you know they’re thinking of stealing your turnips. But do they know that you know they know you know…

The game contains forty gorgeous villager cards, seventy-two turnip tokens, fifteen relics, and a bank card for each player. Kickstarter backers will get the sixth-player expansion for free. Stretch
goals include a number of exciting expansion cards, and a double-sided chicken token for breaking ties.

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