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New Board Games Featuring Famous Heroes (and Villains!) – August Board Game News


In this week’s tabletop, card, and board gaming news: act as Ang, cooperatively conquer Cobra, be befuddled by Bond, mashup monsters, and more! All the latest board game news for August 2021. ⭐—– THIS EPISODE BROUGHT TO YOU BY: —–⭐ Kim-Joy’s Magic Bakery https://watchitplayed.tv/kjmb/v=PrgsagI2E6c Kim-Joy needs you to help keep her magical bakery running smoothly! 💬—– QUESTIONS? COMMENTS? —–💬 Please don’t hesitate to comment below, but abide by our Code of Conduct: https://watchitplayed.tv/coc/v=PrgsagI2E6c 👍—– SUPPORT WATCH IT PLAYED —–👍 Subscribe! https://watchitplayed.tv/subscribe/v=PrgsagI2E6c Join the Watch It Played Patreon Team! https://watchitplayed.tv/patreon/v=PrgsagI2E6c 📣—– THIS EPISODE’S TOP STORIES: —–📣 00:00 Intro 00:16 Avatar Legends: RPG 02:16 Kim-Joy’s Magic Bakery! (episode sponsor) 03:15 Boon Lake 04:32 GI Joe Deck-Building Game 05:26 Oltree 06:36 Rome Total War: The Board Game 07:47 Horrified: American Monsters 08:52 Far Away Valley 09:55 SPECTRE: The Board Game 👕—– GET STUFF! —–👕 Find exclusive board game promos at: https://watchitplayed.tv/promo-store/v=PrgsagI2E6c Shop our TeeSpring Store (shirts, mugs and more): https://watchitplayed.tv/teespring/v=PrgsagI2E6c Get the Watch It Played Game Shelf poster and track your game plays: https://watchitplayed.tv/game-shelf-poster/v=PrgsagI2E6c Get a BoardGameGeek “Watch It Played” Microbadge: https://watchitplayed.tv/bgg-microbadge/v=PrgsagI2E6c The BoardGameGeek list of ALL our videos: https://watchitplayed.tv/wip-geeklist/v=PrgsagI2E6c 🎬—– EVEN MORE CONTENT… —–🎬 Check out Rodney’s personal vlog here: @Rodney Smith Email: watchitplayed(at)live(dot)com Twitter – Watch It Played: @watchitplayed Twitter – Rodney: @RodneyJSmith Twitter – Chaz: @DiceParadise Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/watchitplayed Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WatchItPlayed Instagram: @watchitplayed We truly appreciate your views, likes, feedback, subscriptions, and high fives. #WatchItPlayed #BoardGameNews #CultOfTheNews

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